Other Services

Let our team of professionals install all kind of PHP, CGI, jQuery, JavaScrips, open source scripts, Zen Cart and Joomla modules and plug-ins for you at  the most affordable fees and rates. Scripts are also knows as "turnkey websites".


You don't have to go with a big script like Zen Cart or Joomla for related sites. There are many other scripts or applications that probably will fit your needs. Some other non-commercial and/or open source we have work with are: Cute News (Articles script), Mal's e-commerce, jQuery Plugins, FormMail by Matt's Script Archive, Classified Script... These are just to mention some, without including of course all the Fantastico Panel open source scripts and many of the available  modules and extensions for Zen Cart and Joomla.


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Happy Customers

Talented Beyond Words

WE love it, and we can tell you took a great deal of time to make her still look so real--you are quick with getting it out as well!--I just can''t...
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Agradecido y Satisfecho

Hace varios años hago negocios con IDEAS y estoy bien agradecido con el servicio de Elba por que trabaja por ti. Ofrecen buenas ideas y siempre a...
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